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Find out more about Anja Wyden Guelpa, founder and director of civicLab and her team.


We make teams better. We recognise the energy of each individual and help to channel it into the right direction. We turn people into creative and functioning teams. Because good teams consist of people who are passionate about their cause and their team and trust each other. We coach, we advise, we accompany and we are there for you across language and cultural borders. Individually or in groups.

Anja Wyden Guelpa

Why do you need Anja Wyden Guelpa as a consultant or coach? Because she is a woman who can draw from her tireless optimism and her immense life experience. Thanks to these skills, she quickly recognises the abilities, weaknesses and hidden talents of her counterpart. With her cordial lightness she effortlessly connects the francophone and German-speaking parts of Switzerland and, with her vitality and competence, whirls up the parquet of international stages. As a trilingual lecturer, board member, certified coach (CPCC, ACC, CPQC), president of two foundations and first former chancellor of the canton of Geneva, Anja Wyden Guelpa likes people. Her goal is to unite us all in a better world, which we are building together with her – as a team. Because we make teams better.

After 20 years of experience in key management positions both in the private sector at IBM and in the public sector as project manager at SECO, Director General for Social Affairs and Chancellor of the Canton of Geneva, she and her team now advise companies and managers on innovation and corporate culture. She divides her time between her company civicLab, her directorships, philanthropic commitments and teaching innovation methods at the University of Lausanne. In 2019, she initiates the civicChallenge – Public Innovator for Switzerland.




Selected articles in the Swiss press

press coverage


Mandates on boards of directors, commissions and foundation boards

Cooperation Mobiliar (member since 2020)

Banque cantonale Valais (member since 2021)

Allreal (member since 2022)

Swiss digital imitative foundation (member since 2020)

Digital Switzerland (member executive committee since 2020)

MATZA, art, land use and democracy (member since 2015)

civicLab Anja Wyden Guelpa

Our team.

Regula Zellweger

membre du réseau civicLab Regula Zellweger

Communication manager

Regula is inspired by people who want to actively change their environment with commitment and innovation. Because change needs courage. And courage is always a good ingredient for an exciting story. At civicChallenge, Regula wants to put these stories in the foreground.
Regula has been able to live out her passion for communication in various Swiss NGOs. She has worked in the communications departments of Fairtrade Max Havelaar, Handicap International and most recently at the Swiss Red Cross.

Séverin Guelpa

membre du réseau civicLab Séverin Guelpa

Artistic advisor

Artist and curator, Séverin Guelpa brings to civicLab his long experience in creation, communication and project management.

Our Network.

membre du réseau civicLab