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civicLab Review

After 9 years as the first female chancellor, Anja Wyden Guelpa is turning her back on politics. The NZZ takes stock. NZZ -Es dauerte lange, bis man über ihre Arbeit statt über ihr Aussehen redete


civicLab Engagement

According to Swissinfo, Anja Wyden Guelpa is one of the most active people in Switzerland when it comes to getting young people interested in politics. In more than eight years as Chancellor of Geneva, this jack-of-all-trades has happily multiplied her innovative actions. Although she will be stepping down as chancellor at the end of May, she retains her passion for democratic participation. La chancelière qui a su parler aux jeunes –


civicLab Diplomat

The office of chancellor is both mysterious and strongly linked to political power. Anja Wyden Guelpa has endeavored to open up City Hall, demystify the workings of politics and bring citizens young and old closer to their democratic institutions. RTS – 26′ – L’entretien de la Chancelière du Canton de Genève


civicLab Transparency

At the heart of Anja Wyden Guelpa’s commitment is the transparency that enables citizens to take their lives into their own hands and collectively play their part in democracy. Transparency isn’t always easy for the authorities, but it’s essential and worth fighting for. Transparency: How The Battle Can Be Won – CreativeMornings

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The canton of Geneva was the world pioneer in organizing the first online vote in 2003. Anja Wyden Guelpa initiated a veritable revolution by publishing the first elements of the source code for her CHVote e-voting system on the GitHub platform, anticipating the efforts of the Swiss Confederation, which made this a prerequisite for all e-voting systems. This move from passive transparency (consultation on request) to active transparency (publication) was motivated by the imperative need to reinforce citizens’ confidence in the tools of their democracy. Transparency not only builds trust. It also contributes to greater security. 2016