civicLab Anja Wyden Guelpa

civicLab logo Anja Wyden Guelpa

Innovation and corporate culture 

We make teams better. We recognise the energy of each individual and help to channel it into the chosen direction. At civicLab we unite people into creative and functioning teams. Because great teams are built with people who are passionate about their cause, their team and they trust each other. We coach, we advise, we accompany and we are there for you across language and cultural borders. Individually or in groups.

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How do I create a work climate of trust and respect
and achieve outstanding performance?
Do you need more innovation in your organization?
Your corporate culture does not promote innovation sufficiently?
New work, but what does that mean for me, for my organization?
What is my purpose and the purpose of my company?
How do I create a work climate of trust and respect and achieve outstanding performance?
How do I survive in this crazy world and be successful and happy?

Improve your leadership performance

At civicLab we believe in collective intelligence and creativity. If you want to realize you dreams, do the best work of your life and make your company thrive you need to know what you really want, who you are and what impact you want to have on the world.

We can help you to realize your full potential and achieve your goals in many different ways: as a strategy consultant in innovation and corporate culture development, as a leadership coach or as an inspirational speaker.

News from our activities



You are a successful overachiever. But you are looking out for new horizons in your professional and personal life. As you have been running in a hamster…
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A swiss innovation incubator for the public sector

civicChallenge is a national challenge for public servants to help them to find solutions and innovate in the public sector.
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Some of our clients
client civiclab
client civiclab
client civiclab
client civiclab
client civiclab
client civiclab
client civiclab
client civiclab
client civiclab
client civiclab
client civiclab
client civiclab